How Much Do Advertising Agencies Charge in Nigeria?

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Advertising agencies in Nigeria are companies that help you book ad slots in the media. This article highlights how much advertising agencies in Nigeria charge to help get your ads in spaces available in big media.

When you go by yourself to get prices with these media companies, you get charged exorbitant prices for your promotions, and sometimes, they reject your ads outright.

Therefore, advertising agencies serve as agents between you and big media companies across the country.

Promoting your business with advertising agencies in Nigeria could cost as little as ₦2,500 to as much as over ₦2,500,000. How much you pay to run promotions with advertising agencies depends on the media company they work with and the frequency of promotions.

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Examples of big media companies in Nigeria

Advertising agencies in Nigeria work with four traditional types of media;


Punch Newspaper, Vanguard Newspaper, This Day Newspaper, Business Day Newspaper, The Guardian Newspaper, The Nation Newspaper, and others


All radio stations in Nigeria, including; Sound City FM, Lagelu FM, Eko FM, Shinmo FM, Inspiration FM, Brilla FM, Rhythm FM, Cool FM and more.


This includes local TV stations like; Channels, Arise, TVC, NTA, LTV, and direct broadcast satellite services like GOTV, Startimes, and DSTV


This includes adverts people see on the road, like print billboards, digital billboards, posters, and moving digital boards.

Top Advertising Agencies in Nigeria

Cybertron Ads

Cybertron Ads is a  customer acquisition programmatic advertising platform focused on generating ROI for ad budget spending. They provide custom solutions for clients across display, mobile, Video, Push, and 3D Rich Media. They offer services that include; Advertising, Media Planning & Buying, and Mobile & App Marketing to big businesses in industries like gambling, FMCG, and telecoms.

Media Transit Bus Advertising

how much advertising agencies in Nigeria charge

Media transit brokers ad spaces on public buses in Lagos. Over 90% of Lagos’s population lives within 5 minutes of a bus route; hence, they help you show bus ads to passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and other people in transit. One of the companies I worked with used them to promote an AWS Event, and the results were quite lovely. Unlike Cybertron Ads, they work with anybody capable of paying to get their ads on the buses and offer a branding service to ensure the print materials fit spaces on the buses.

Nelson Reids

Nelson Reids is an award-winning Lagos-based marketing agency with footprints across five continents and operating across critical industries like; FMCG, Retail, Banking, and Tech. They help their clients build customer relationships using data, strategy, and execution. They offer services in Advertising, Branding, and Email Marketing to small and midmarket businesses in;

  • Consumer products & services
  • Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport 
  • Financial services

Brand Envoy Africa

how much advertising agencies in Nigeria charge

Brand Envoy Africa’s services cover market entry strategy, event marketing, brand identity, packaging, trade partnerships, and offline marketing for clients worldwide. Founded in 2015, Brand Envoy has experience working on campaigns in South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya. They work with businesses in;

  • Consumer products & services 
  • Energy & natural resources, 
  • Financial services

How much do advertising agencies charge

The truth is the cost of advertising in Nigeria is your cost. How much you spend on any form of promotion, offline or online, depends on you. By extension, the results you get from your ads are also tied to how much you spend. You can’t compare the result of a company spending 100 thousand Naira (₦100,000) monthly with another spending over 10 million Naira monthly (₦10,000,000).

The cost of advertising with advertising agencies in Nigeria is a combination of two prices;

  1. The subsidized price the media companies give them
  2. Their service charges

For instance, if you go directly to a radio station for advert placement, they may charge you ₦100,000 for a 1-minute jingle. However, if you employ an advertising agency, you could pay as low as ₦70,000 for the same package. While this is not your business, the advertising agency probably has a subsidized ₦50,000 price arrangement with the radio station, their service charge being ₦20,000.

The cost of billboard advertising in Nigeria works the same way as billboards are decentralized. Anyone can place a billboard on their property. However, your billboard is as good as the bills posted on it. Therefore, having advertising agencies bring customers to you would do you good.

The table below shows the average prices and range advertising agencies charge for radio adverts during their peak periods as well as the duration of the ads;

Duration (Seconds)Average Price (₦)Price Range (₦)
15₦8,500₦1,500 – ₦13,500
30₦10,500₦5,000 – ₦30,500
45₦15,000₦9,500 – ₦43,500
60₦25,500₦16,500 – ₦62,000

Some radio stations offer sponsorship packages for programs running between 10 to 60 minutes. Promoters sponsor the programs, and the host mentions them throughout the program, with some moments dedicated to speaking about the promotion. These cost between ₦98,000 to over ₦1,000,000 depending on the program and the location.

The table below shows how much advertising agencies in Nigeria charge for TV adverts during their peak periods as well as the duration of the ads;

Duration (Seconds)Average Price (₦)Price Range (₦)
15₦105,500₦25,500 – ₦246,550
30₦250,500₦205,000 – ₦608,500
45₦585,000₦389,500 – ₦1,598,500
60₦1,400,500₦698,500 – ₦4,562,000

TV stations in Nigeria offer packages including intra-program adverts. Sometimes, they allow advertisers to join as guests in programs. These packages cost more than the regular intra-program promotions.


Traditional ads with advertising agencies in Nigeria work to show your promotion to people both offline and online. This article explained how much advertising agencies in Nigeria charge to promote your business on traditional media. However, these promotions are only brand awareness promotions. Therefore, you only get results if they are frequent and shown for a long time to many people.

You can’t spend ₦5,000 on radio ads and expect to get ROI, and you need to do it over a long period. A significant disadvantage of traditional ads is that they are not measurable. You don’t know the number of people who saw your ads.

If you wish to have direct metrics from promotion to make informed decisions, you need to work with paid online ads instead. The reality is a majority of people capable of buying from you are online. Let’s talk about paid ads for your business.