Three Tips for Choosing a Powerful Domain Name for Your Business

These Simple Tips Will Make Choosing a Powerful Domain Name for Your Young Venture Easy

Since the advent of the internet, the online and offline worlds have only become more and more closely associated. And in the present day, when most clients complete all of their transactions online, it only makes sense for businesses to migrate their products to the online space.

A good plan for building a strong online presence must be part of your company’s development strategy if you want your young firm to prosper. And it should go without saying that using a solid domain name to represent your business is the simplest method to establish a solid online presence.

Your company’s online strategy must prioritize a unique domain name that’ll boost your website’s accessibility and stick in the minds of your clients. Whether you choose to brainstorm or start crowdsourcing company names, know that a 20-character web address with needless digits and symbols won’t cut it.

So we put together some valuable tips to help you choose the right premium domain for your new company. Let’s get into it.

Three Easy Steps to Picking Great Domain Names

1.    Make Sure it Can be Branded

Premium domain names that best suit your business are those that are brandable. EMDs (Exact Match Domains) are premium domains that accurately reflect your business, just as well as the brand name it’s gotten from would.

They are typically the exact fit for the businesses they represent. Therefore employing a brandable domain name generated from your company name is the ideal way to increase the value and effect of your domain in the online world.

They enable customers to find your company online simply by hearing its name, and they also provide a solid base for other internet branding initiatives like advertising campaigns and newsletters.

2.    Make Sure it’s Short and Interesting

Another thing to prioritize is picking a domain name that is simple, concise, and memorable. These characteristics are important because they make premium web addresses easy to memorize, recognize, recall, use as a reference, and search online without errors.

Unless you develop one yourself, short domain names three to five characters long are generally the toughest to obtain because the bulk of these words has already been registered under a trademark. On domain marketplaces, you can occasionally find them for sale, but at high prices.

3.    Ensure That it has a TLD (Top-Level Domain) Extension

According to Domain Name Association estimates, the operational number of new domain extensions has increased to over 1500 in recent years, a 145% increase. This means that there are many alternatives to choose from in the area of domain extensions, but not all of these are ideally premium domains.

Familiarity should be your first choice when considering which extension would work best with your domain name. Because unless you specify otherwise, visitors will often suppose that your website ends in ‘.com,’ ‘.net,’ or ‘.org’ and will visit the domain name with those endings.

These extensions are one of the first to be created and continue to be the most well-known and commonly used in the market despite the growth of other domain extensions. Top-level domain extensions like ‘.com,’ ‘.org,’ and ‘.net’ are frequently viewed as extensions that make for a strong web address.

However, this does not mean you must only use the extensions mentioned above. Instead, if you can’t obtain a ‘.com’ domain, you could still utilize TLD extensions like ‘.io,’ ‘.co,’ as well as country-code TLDs like ‘.us,’ ‘.uk,’ etc.

You Must Move Quickly

Choosing a domain name that fits your company may seem hard, but we’re sure the insights we’ve provided have made the process much easier. Acquire your premium domain name as soon as possible to enjoy all its benefits and prevent someone else from getting it before you.

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.