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How Much Does a Logo Cost in Nigeria?

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Do you ever wonder how businesses come up with their logos?  The small images that reflect companies and brands are more than just pretty designs—they’re an essential part of a business’s identity. Logos help customers remember and recognize a business. They’re often the first thing customers think of when they hear about a brand. This article answers the question of “How Much Does a Logo Cost in Nigeria?”

If you want to start a business in Nigeria or rebrand one you already have, you may be thinking about how much it costs to make a logo. Logo creation can seem like a big job, but it is a long-term investment that can pay off. A well-designed logo can help your business stand out in a crowded market and leave a lasting impact on your customers.

The cost of making a logo depends on several things, such as the designer’s experience and skill, the design’s complexity, and how long the job will take. In this piece, we’ll talk about the average cost of making a logo in Nigeria and why it is vital for your business’s success to spend money on a good logo. By the end of this piece, you will know why logos are important and how much you can expect to pay for one.

From designing your logo by yourself to working with a logo designer or a design agency, the cost of a logo in Nigeria can vary from ₦10,000 to over ₦200,000, with several options in between.

Factors That Influence the Cost of Logo Design in Nigeria

When making a logo for your business in Nigeria, some things can affect how much it will cost. If you know about these things, you can make a budget for your logo design job and ensure you get the best result for your money. Here are some of the essential things that can change how much it costs to make a logo in Nigeria:

Experience and skill of the designer

The more skilled and experienced a designer is, the more likely they will charge more. A designer with a good name and a history of making logos that work well may charge more than someone just starting out. When making a logo for your business in Nigeria, the knowledge and skill of the designer you work with can make a big difference in the quality and effectiveness of the logo. This is why:

Design Skills

Experienced designers have the skills and knowledge to make a logo that effectively expresses the message and values of your brand. They know how to combine different design elements, like colour, typography, and composition, to make a visually appealing logo and easy to remember.

Industry knowledge

A designer who has worked in your industry before can bring helpful insights and different points of view to the process of making a logo. They can help you develop a logo that speaks to your target audience and makes you stand out.


Most designers with more experience are more professional in creating logos. They have set procedures and standards that ensure your job is done on time and well. They also talk to you clearly and well during the whole job to ensure you are happy with the result.


A well-known, experienced designer can give your business more respect. For example, a well-designed logo from a well-known designer can help a professional, trustworthy, and reliable brand.

When choosing a logo designer in Nigeria, you should consider how experienced and skilled they are. Look for a designer with a strong portfolio, good reviews, and experience in your business. Getting a professional artist may cost more upfront, but it can save you time and money in the long run by ensuring your logo is effective and easy to remember.

Read Also: How to Hire a Logo Designer

The complexity of the logo design

The more complicated and detailed a logo is, the longer and harder it will be to make. In addition, logos with many colours, styles, and parts might take more work, which could increase the price. One of the main things that can change the price of creating a logo for your business in Nigeria is how complicated the design is. A more complex logo design may take more time, skill, and effort to make, which can cause the price to go up. Here are a few things that can make your logo design more complicated:

Design elements

The difficulty of your logo can depend on how many and what kinds of design elements you want to use. For example, a logo with complicated shapes, patterns, or pictures will be harder to make than one with just words.


The complexity of your image can also be affected by how many and how complicated the colours are. For example, a design with more than one or two flat colours, gradients, or shading will be more complex.


If you want a very unique logo design that needs a lot of attention to detail, this can also make your name more complicated and cost more.

Branding requirements

If you need a unique font or design style for your brand, this can also make your logo design more complicated.

When considering how complicated your logo design should be, it is crucial to balance your money with your brand’s needs. A more complicated image might look better, but it may still need to convey your brand’s message better. Ultimately, you want to make a mark representing your brand well and speaking to your target audience. You can make a complicated and effective logo by working with an experienced designer and being clear about your branding needs and money.

Timeframe for the project

If you need a logo fast, you may have to pay more for a designer who can do the job quicker. Another thing that can affect how much it will cost to make a logo for your business in Nigeria is how long it will take. If the deadline is short, the designer may have to work faster or put your job ahead of others, increasing the price. Here are some things that can change how long your logo design job will take:

Design complexity: It may take longer to make a complicated logo than a simple one.

Revisions: If you need to make any changes to your logo design, it can take longer and cost more.

Communication: You and the artist need to be able to talk to each other well so that the project stays on track and your ideas are carried out. Bad communication can slow down a job, making it take longer and cost more.

Design process: The designer’s design process can also affect how long the job will take. Some designers may work more quickly than others, while others may take longer because their design process is more complicated.

When planning your logo design job, it is vital to be clear with the designer about how much time and money you have. Be realistic about what you want and give the artist enough time to make a high-quality logo representing your brand well. If you rush the job, the design might be better, and if you have to change the logo later, it will cost you more money. On the other hand, you can make a logo that effectively tells your brand’s message and stands out in the crowded Nigerian market if you work with a skilled designer and give the project enough time.

Revisions and edits

Most designers will let you change the logo style several times. But there may be extra fees for any changes made after this. Revisions and changes are a big part of the logo design process and can affect how much it costs to create a logo for your business in Nigeria. Revisions and edits are changes made to the original logo design based on what you said or what you requested. Here are some things to consider when revising and editing:

Number of changes

Depending on the designer or design company, the number of changes that come with a design package can vary. Some designers offer unlimited changes, while others limit how many changes can be made. So naturally, the cost of your logo design job will increase with more changes you ask for.

Scope of changes

The cost of the job can also depend on how many changes are made. Minor changes (like changing the font or colours) might not make a big difference in the price, but more extensive changes, like a complete redesign, cost more.

Feedback and communication

Giving the designer clear and concise feedback can reduce the number of changes that need to be made, which can lower the project’s overall cost. Effective communication is the key to ensuring that your ideas come to life and that the design meets your needs.

By considering these things when making a budget for your logo design project, you can ensure you get a high-quality logo that meets the wants and goals of your business.

Average Price of Logo Design in Nigeria

How much it costs to make a logo in Nigeria depends on many things. On average, a logo creation will cost you anywhere from ₦10,000 to ₦200,000. But the price can increase even more if the job is more complicated or if you hire a designer with more experience or a design agency.

The price of designing a logo usually includes several things, such as researching, coming up with ideas, designing, making changes, and sending the final logo files to the client. When budgeting for your logo design project, consider how much a well-designed logo can help your business. For example, a good logo can help you build a strong brand personality and stand out in a crowded market. This can lead to more sales and income in the long run.

Remember that hiring a designer with the lowest price may sometimes be better. For example, a logo designer with more skills and experience can make a more effective and memorable logo, which can help your business in the long run.

Overall, the cost of making a logo in Nigeria can be very different based on what you want and need. By researching and learning what affects the price, you can make an informed choice and spend money on a logo design to help your business grow.

Research-based estimates of the cost

Estimates based on research can give you an idea of how much it costs on average to make a logo for your business in Nigeria. Remember that these figures are just a starting point and that the actual costs can vary based on the designer, the complexity of the design, and other factors. Here are some estimates based on studies to think about:


Fiverr is a popular online marketplace for freelancers. Depending on the designer and plan chosen, logo design packages can cost anywhere from ₦5,000 to ₦50,000 or more on Fiverr.


Logo design projects on Upwork, another popular freelance site, can cost anywhere from ₦10,000 to ₦200,000 or more, based on the designer’s experience and the project’s size.

Local design agencies

Local design agencies may charge more in Nigeria than independent designers on online platforms. For a custom logo design, prices can start at ₦50,000 and go up to ₦500,000 or more.

DIY options

If you choose to make your own logo using free online tools or software, the cost will be low or even zero. But remember that a mark you make yourself might not be as professional or unique as one created for you.

Consider your needs, goals, and budget when making a budget for your logo design job. Then, look into different choices and get quotes from a few designers to get an idea of how much it will cost. Remember that spending money on a good name can significantly impact the success of your business, so branding should be your top priority. By working with a skilled artist and spending money on a well-designed logo, you can get your brand’s message across and stand out in the competitive Nigerian market.

Why is it important to spend money on a good logo?

It is important to spend money on a good brand for your business in Nigeria for some reasons. A well-designed logo can help you build a strong business identity, leave a lasting impression on your customers, and stand out in a crowded market. Here are some of the main reasons why your business needs to spend money on a good logo:

Brand identity

A logo is an integral part of the brand identity of your business. It is often the first thing buyers see when they come across your brand, and it can help them recognize and remember your business.


A well-designed, professional logo can help establish the trustworthiness and professionalism of your business. In addition, customers are likelier to trust a business whose brand personality is clear and consistent.


A good logo can help your business stand out in a crowded market and differentiate itself from competitors. In addition, customers are more likely to remember your business if it has a logo that is unique and easy to remember.


A well-designed logo ensures that all of your marketing tools, from business cards to social media profiles, have the same look and feel. This uniformity can help build your brand and give your customers a sense of trust and comfort.

Getting a good brand isn’t just a one-time cost; it is an investment in the long-term success of your business. A professional logo can help you build a strong brand name, increase your business’s credibility, and stand out in a crowded market. You can set up your business for success and stand out in a crowded market by working with a skilled artist and buying a high-quality logo.

What Makes Freelancers and Design Agencies Prices Different?

You have two main choices when it comes to designing a logo for your business in Nigeria;

  • Hire a freelancer or;
  • Work with a design agency.

Each choice has its pros and cons. Knowing the differences can help you make a choice that fits your wants and budget. Here are some of the most important differences between individuals and design firms:


Design firms usually have a team of experts in different areas, such as branding, graphic design, and web design. This means you can use many skills and information to develop a complete branding strategy. On the other hand, freelancers may only be good at one or two things and may need more knowledge or resources than a design agency.


Most of the time, freelancers are cheaper than design companies. This is because they have lower overhead costs and can often work from home or a shared place. On the other hand, design agencies have more expenses, like rent, salaries, and tools, which can cause their prices to be higher. In addition, freelancers may have more freedom with their schedules and can often find work quickly. On the other hand, design agencies might take longer and need more planning ahead of time.


When you hire an independent designer, you usually talk directly with the designer. This can help you know exactly what you want your logo to look like and work closely with the artist. With a design firm, you may have a project manager who acts as a go-between for you and the designers. This can make communication easier and less personal.


When judging a freelancer, you usually can only look at their own resume. However, with a design agency, you can look at the agency’s portfolio as a whole, giving you a better idea of the agency’s general style and skills.

There are price differences between logo designers who work on their own and design firms. In Nigeria, you have two main choices when it comes to making a logo for your business: you can work with a freelance designer, or you can work with a design service. Even though both can do good work, you should know that their prices differ.

Freelancers often charge less than design companies because their overhead costs are lower, and they might not have to pay a team of designers. Remember, though, that working with a freelancer can come with some risks, such as communication problems and worries about their dependability. Therefore, it is crucial to do a lot of study on any freelancer you’re considering hiring to ensure they’re trustworthy and can do good work.

On the other hand, design agencies may charge more because they have a team of designers with different skill levels and experience. This can lead to a more polished and complete brand design, but it may also be more expensive. Also, design agencies may have more set rules and procedures, which can make the whole process run more smoothly and professionally.

Price Differences Between Logo Design Freelancers and Agencies

Also, some freelance logo designers in Nigeria may charge anywhere from ₦10,000 to ₦100,000 for a logo design job. In contrast, design agencies may charge anywhere from ₦50,000 to ₦500,000 or more. It is important to remember that these prices are only estimates and can change based on the specifics of your job.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you want to work with a freelance designer or a design firm based on your needs and budget. Before making a choice, studying and comparing different options is best to ensure you get the best value for your money.

Related: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide on How to Design a Logo

Hire a Logo Designer in Nigeria Today

Creating a logo for your business is a substantial investment that can significantly affect how people see your brand and how well it does. The price of a logo in Nigeria can depend on several things, such as the designer’s experience, how complicated the design is, and how long the job will take. If you know about these things, you can choose one that meets your needs and fits your budget.

As a logo designer in Nigeria, I have the skills and experience to make a high-quality logo that fits your business and makes you stand out from the competition. Whether you run a small business or a big company, I will work hard to ensure that the logo design services I offer are both effective and cheap for you.

If you want to make a logo for your business or update the one you already have, feel free to contact me to discuss your project. Let’s work together to create a logo that shows what your brand is all about and helps you reach your business goals. Contact me right now to set up a meeting and take the first step toward building a great brand.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Cost of Logo Design in Nigeria

What is the average cost of creating a logo in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, the average cost of making a logo can range from ₦10,000 to ₦200,000, based on the designer’s experience, the design’s complexity, and how long the project will take.

Why is it important to invest in a good logo?

A good logo can help you build a strong brand identity, make your business more well-known, and make your marketing efforts better as a whole. Therefore, spending money on a good logo that reflects your brand well and makes you stand out from the competition is essential.

What factors influence the cost of creating a logo in Nigeria?

The cost of making a logo in Nigeria depends on the artist’s experience and skill, the design’s complexity, the project’s length, the number of changes and edits, and research-based cost estimates.

Should I hire a freelancer or a design agency to create my logo?

It depends on your wants and how much money you have. Freelancers can provide cheap and flexible services, while design agencies may offer more services and a team of designers. When making this choice, think about your goals and preferences.

How many revisions and edits are included in the cost of creating a logo?

Depending on the designer’s rules, the cost of making a logo can include different changes and edits. Talking to the designer about this ahead of time is essential to avoid misunderstanding or extra costs.

How long does it typically take to create a logo?

How long it takes to make a logo depends on how complicated the design is and how busy the artist is. But most logo design projects take about two to three weeks to finish.

Can I negotiate the cost of creating a logo with the designer?

You can talk to the designer about the price of a logo, but remember that the designer’s skill and experience are essential assets that deserve fair payment. You should negotiate with respect and realism to reach a deal that works for both sides.

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