How to Choose the Right Colours for Your Logo

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When designing a logo for your business, colour is one of the most important parts to make or break its effect. The colours you choose for your logo can make people feel something, change how they see things, and make an impact that will last. This article explains how to choose the right colours for your logo to represent your brand and accurately speak to your ideal customers.

To start with, colours are more than just pretty. They have their language and can send messages, make people think of things, and give your brand a solid visual personality. By knowing the psychology of colours and using basic design principles, you can use colours to create a logo that stands out, communicates your brand’s values, and sticks in the minds of your customers.

Remember that making a logo takes more than just personal taste or guessing. By taking a systematic approach, you can ensure that your logo looks great on different platforms and speaks to a wide range of people. So, let’s start with the steps to choose the right colours for your logo.

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1. Understand Your Brand Deeply

In Nigeria’s business world, it is vital to have a logo that accurately represents your brand and speaks to your target audience. To do this, you must start by getting to know your brand better. By learning about your brand’s personality, beliefs, and tastes of your Nigerian audience, you can choose the right colours for your logo smartly.

Before you start creating a logo, take a moment to think about what your brand is all about. How would you describe your business? Is it brave and new, or is it more classic and dependable? Think about your brand and the word you want to send. Are you more concerned with the environment, quality, or price? If you know your brand’s personality and values, you can choose colours that match these things and explain them well.

Nigeria is diverse, with a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and preferences. To ensure your audience connects with your brand, you need to know who they are and what they like. Think about the age, gender, hobbies, and goals of the people you want to reach. Are they young and tech-savvy, or are they older and more interested in family? Doing market research or asking your customers for feedback can give you helpful information about their tastes and help you choose colours that appeal to their senses.

2. Research Your Industry Competitors

In Nigeria, business is very competitive, so standing out from the crowd is vital while still following industry standards. Look closely at the colours that are often used in your field. Should you pay attention to any patterns or trends? Even though you want your brand to stand out, ensuring it meets your target audience’s needs is vital. Finding the balance between uniqueness and fitting in with your field will help your logo stand out.

By figuring out your brand’s personality and values, figuring out what your target audience likes, and thinking about your industry and competitors, you’ll have helpful information to help you choose a colour. Your chosen colours will show what your business is all about and connect with the market. This will put you on the path to building a successful logo.

Related: 7 Elements of an Effective Business Logo Design

3. Consider Colour Psychology

In Nigeria, a place with many different cultures and communities, colours significantly impact how people see things and feel. If you know how people respond to different colours, you can choose the colours for your brand with more thought. By thinking about Nigerian culture and how different colours make people feel, you can make a brand that speaks to your Nigerian audience. Let’s look at the exciting world of colour psychology and how it can help you build a logo.

A look at colour psychology and how it works

Colour psychology studies how colours affect how people feel, act, and think. Different colours can evoke specific feelings and associations, which can be harnessed carefully in your logo design. For example, warm colours like red and orange can show energy, passion, and warmth, while cool colours like blue and green can show calmness, trust, and security. By knowing how colours make people feel, you can choose colours that match your brand’s message and leave a good impression on your Nigerian audience.

Emotions and associations linked to different colours

Colours can spark a range of emotions and associations. In Nigerian society, different colours can mean different things or stand for important ideas. For example, green can stand for fertility, growth, and wealth, while yellow can make you feel happy and hopeful. Red is often a sign of strength, fire, and energy, while blue can signify trust and dependability. By thinking about what colours mean in Nigerian culture and how they make people feel, you can tap into the collective subconscious and make a stronger link with your audience.

How culture and location affect how people see colours

It is important to realize that people from different cultures and parts of Nigeria have different associations with and tastes for colours. Different ethnic groups may see colours differently, so studying or talking to people in the area to learn more about these differences is helpful. Think about the different cultures in Nigeria and the region or group you are trying to reach. By taking into account the ethnic diversity and sensitivities of your audience, you can choose colours that feel genuine and create a stronger connection.

4. Learn Colour Theory and Combinations

By learning the rules of colour theory and trying out different colour combos, you can make a visually appealing logo that works well together and conveys your message. Let’s examine how colour theory can help you choose your logo’s best colours and colour combos.

Types of colour on the wheel

The colour wheel is a way to see how different colours relate. The primary colours are red, blue, and yellow. The secondary colours are orange, green, and purple. Understanding the colour wheel is essential because it gives you a basis for putting together colours that work well together.

There are three main types of colours; All other colours are made up of primary colours, which can’t be made by mixing other colours. When you mix two primary colours, you get a secondary colour. Mixing a primary and secondary colour gives you a tertiary colour. Knowing these colour groups will help you understand how colours work together and what you can do with them.

Complementary, analogous, and monochromatic colour schemes

Different patterns can be used to describe groups of colours. Complementary colours are those that are opposite each other on the colour wheel. They create a high contrast, lively effect. Similar colours are next to each other on the colour wheel. They look good together because they go well together. Monochromatic colour schemes use different shades of the same colour to make something look polished and put together. By trying out these colour schemes, you can figure out which fits your brand and message the best.

5. Consider Colour Accessibility and Flexibility

When designing a logo in Nigeria, it is vital to consider the ideas of ease and adaptability. Your logo should be easy for everyone to see, even if they have problems with their eyesight. Also, it should be flexible enough to work on different platforms and in different ways without losing its power. By putting accessibility and flexibility first, you can ensure that a wide range of people uses your logo and works well in different situations.

Use colours everyone can see

Accessibility is a very important part of brand design. Certain colour combinations may cause challenges for individuals with colour vision deficiencies or other visual impairments. It is important to make a logo with colours that stand out enough from each other so that everyone can read it and tell it apart. Watch out for colour combos that might cause confusion or make it hard to read. Do accessibility tests and review rules to ensure everyone can see and use your logo.

Test if colours are easy to read and stand out

A good logo must be easy to read. Look at your logo creation in different sizes, both on paper and on a computer screen. Ensure your chosen colours are clear and easy to read, even when shrunk or printed in black and white. Having the right amount of contrast between the logo’s parts and the background will make it easier to read and make sure that your logo looks good in all situations.

Taking use in different mediums into account 

Your logo will appear on many websites, social media profiles, company cards, signs, and other places and things. Think about how well the colours you choose will work in different forms. Some colours may look bright on a screen, but when they are printed, they lose their effect. Test your logo differently to ensure the colours look good in digital and real-world settings. Using the same colours across all platforms will help people recognize your brand and reinforce its character.

Read Also: How to Choose the Right Colour Scheme for Your Website

6. Think About Real Life Uses of Your Logo

When making a logo in Nigeria, it is important to consider practical things that affect how well and how often the brand can be used. Practical factors ensure that your logo can be used in many different ways and mediums. Keeping these things in mind will help you make a logo that looks good and works well in the real world. Let’s discuss some valuable things you should consider when making a logo.


Your logo will be used differently on business cards, letterheads, promotional items, or products. Think about how your logo will look when it is shrunk or enlarged for different print materials. Make sure that even at smaller sizes, the features and lines are still clear and easy to read. Test your design in both colour and black-and-white to make sure it looks good when printed differently.

Colour limits and restrictions

Some programs may limit the number of colours you can use or require you to use a specific colour code. For example, if your logo is embroidered, you may need to change it to work with a limited colour palette or turn it into a specific thread colour system. Consider the colour restrictions and needs of different mediums and applications to ensure your logo looks the same and has the same visual effect on all platforms.

Scalability and adaptability

Your logo will appear in different sizes and places, like on digital platforms, signs, and packages. Ensure your logo can be made bigger or smaller without losing its look or readability. A logo that looks good in the header of a website might not look as good on a tiny phone screen or a big poster. Test your logo in different sizes and shapes to ensure it looks good and is easily recognizable.

Take the time to test your logo in different forms and seek feedback from trusted sources. Make any changes to ensure your logo looks good, is easy to read, and effectively represents your brand in Nigeria. By thinking about these practical things, you’ll be able to make a brand that looks great and works well in Nigeria’s diverse and changing market.


I know the importance of choosing the right colours for your logo to build a strong brand identity. Don’t undervalue the power of colours to make an impact that lasts. Now that you know what to do, it is time to make a logo that captures the spirit of your brand and speaks to your customers.

I’m here to help you create your logo if you need it. As a professional logo designer in Lagos, I have experience designing timeless and powerful logos. Together, we can go on a creative trip to develop a logo that shows your brand’s personality, fits with your values, and gets your customers’ attention.