Digital Marketing Small Business Nigeria

Real Estate Marketing in Nigeria: How to Promote Your Properties

Nigeria’s real estate market is growing quickly because the country’s population is growing. More people want to buy homes and businesses. But with this growth comes more competition between builders and real estate agents. In this competitive market, you need good marketing to be successful. This article will talk about the current state of real estate marketing in Nigeria; traditional and digital marketing methods, and the challenges and opportunities in the industry. The goal is to give helpful information to real estate professionals in Nigeria.

Understanding the Nigeria Market

To be successful in the real estate business, you must understand the Nigerian market. Nigeria’s people come from a wide range of cultural and economic backgrounds and live in cities and rural areas. By 2050, the country’s population is expected to reach 400 million. This is a big jump and means we will need more homes and business spaces.

1. Nigerian buyers and renters have very different backgrounds

The number of people living in cities is growing, and many young professionals and families are looking for less expensive places. On the other hand, people who live in rural areas are also a significant market segment. Many of them want to buy or rent farmland or other rural properties.

2. The economy and government also have a significant impact on the real estate market

The Nigerian economy is having trouble right now because of things like high inflation and unemployment rates. These factors can make it hard for some people to afford homes and businesses. Also, government policies and rules can affect the market. For example, the Nigerian government just implemented a new mortgage policy to make it easier for people to get home loans.

3. Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, and Ibadan are all popular places to build homes in Nigeria

Lagos is the country’s commercial capital and a popular place for people to build houses. The capital city, Abuja, is also a growing market for both homes and businesses. Port Harcourt and Ibadan are also growing cities where the need for homes and businesses is growing.

Traditional Marketing Strategies for Real Estate in Nigeria

What is traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing is advertising a product or service in a way that doesn’t involve the Internet. These methods have been used for decades. They include advertising in newspapers and magazines, billboards, brochures, flyers, and other printed materials, as well as advertising on TV, radio, and through direct mail.

Personal selling, such as face-to-face sales, trade shows, and other events where companies can meet potential customers in person, is also a part of traditional marketing. Traditional marketing methods also include networking and word-of-mouth referrals, which rely on personal relationships and interactions.

Traditional marketing aims to get the word out about a company’s products or services and reach as many potential customers as possible. These methods can help reach many people. However, it may not be as targeted or measurable as digital marketing strategies.

Advantages of traditional marketing strategies

Using traditional marketing methods in the real estate business has some pros:

Broad reach

Traditional marketing methods like ads in newspapers and magazines, signs and billboards, networking, and word-of-mouth can reach many people. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to reach people who spend less time online, like older adults.

Trust and credibility

Traditional marketing techniques, like ads in well-known newspapers and magazines, can help potential buyers and renters trust and believe in your business. They may think more highly of the property or agent if they see an ad for it in a reputable publication.


Traditional marketing methods can help a real estate agent or company build a brand and maintain a consistent image. This is especially important if you want to build a good name and get potential buyers or renters to trust you.

Personal touch

Traditional marketing methods can give a more personal touch to the marketing strategy, for example, by handing out flyers or visiting people in person. This can be more effective than just sending an email or a message on social media.

Disadvantages of traditional marketing strategies

Traditional marketing methods in the real estate business also have some drawbacks:

Targeting is limited

Traditional marketing methods like ads in newspapers and magazines, signs, and billboards can reach many people. They may not be as targeted as digital marketing methods. For example, it can take a lot of work to reach out to specific groups of people or places.

Difficult to measure

Measuring the effectiveness of traditional marketing methods such as billboards, newspaper, or magazine ads can take time and effort. It is hard to know how many people saw the ad and whether or not they did something because of it.

Traditional marketing can be expensive

For example, the cost of advertising in a newspaper or magazine can be much higher than a digital ad campaign.

Lack of flexibility

Traditional marketing methods may not be as adaptable as digital marketing methods. For example, once an ad has been printed in a newspaper or magazine, it can take a lot of work to change it or bring it up to date.

Adverse impact on the environment

Traditional marketing methods can be bad for the environment. For example, printing a lot of flyers or billboards can use a lot of paper and ink, even though they may be thrown away quickly.

Examples of traditional real estate marketing

Traditional marketing methods have been used in the real estate business for decades. They still play a significant role in Nigeria in getting the word out about properties and reaching potential buyers and renters. Some of the most common methods of traditional marketing are:

Advertising in newspapers and magazines: Many affluent Nigerians read newspapers and magazines. Therefore, they can be a great way to reach people who want to buy or rent. In these magazines, real estate agents can put up ads that show their properties and give contact information.

Billboards and signages: Signages and billboards are good ways to get the word out to people in the area. Signs and billboards can be put up strategically. For example, on major roads and intersections, to draw attention to real estate listings.

Networking and word-of-mouth referrals: In the real estate business, networking and word-of-mouth referrals can be beneficial. Real estate agents can get to know other professionals in the industry, like mortgage brokers and home inspectors. Agents can use their referrals to find new clients. They can also reach potential buyers and renters through the people they know.

Traditional marketing methods can be useful for reaching a large number of people, and they can be especially helpful for reaching out to specific groups. For example, advertising in local newspapers and magazines is a great way to reach people interested in buying or renting within a particular area.

But it is important to note that traditional marketing methods can be expensive and may be less effective when trying to reach younger people who are tech-savvy. Also, it might be more challenging to measure than digital marketing methods, so weighing the costs and benefits of using both digital and traditional marketing methods is essential.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate in Nigeria

What is digital marketing for real estate?

Digital marketing promotes real estate through online channels like search engines, social media, email, and websites. With the help of digital technologies, businesses can reach a wider audience and focus on specific groups of customers. Search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), content marketing, and social media marketing are all common ways to market online.

Advantages of digital marketing strategies for real estate

Using digital marketing strategies to sell real estate has some pros:

Targeted audience

Using digital marketing strategies, real estate agents can target people based on their location, age, and interests, among other things. You can do this with Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and email marketing campaigns, among other online platforms and tools.


Digital marketing strategies can be cheaper than traditional marketing methods. For example, running a targeted online ad campaign may cost less than advertising in a newspaper or magazine.


Digital marketing strategies are easy to track, so real estate agents can see how much their marketing campaigns are making them money. This lets them change their plan and improve their campaigns so that they work better.

You can make changes

Real estate businesses can change digital marketing strategies in real time, so real estate agents can change their campaigns as needed. This makes it possible to test the campaigns to ensure they reach the right people and generate results.

Wide reach for cost

Digital marketing strategies can reach a wide range of people, including those who look for homes online. This is especially important if you want to reach younger people who are tech-savvy and more likely to look for homes online. In addition, you can use as little as ₦‎1,000 to show your ads to over three thousand people. I doubt you can find a traditional marketing platform for that amount.


Real estate professionals can make their campaigns more personal by using digital marketing strategies to make personalized email campaigns, targeted ads, and custom landing pages. This can improve the customer experience and make it more likely that the business will make a sale.

Disadvantages of digital marketing strategies for real estate

Digital marketing strategies can be very useful for promoting properties and getting in touch with potential buyers and renters. However, there are also some things that could go wrong:

Reach is limited in some places

Digital marketing strategies depend on connecting to the internet, so they might need help reaching potential buyers or renters in places with limited internet access.

Competition is getting tougher

As digital marketing has grown, so has competition in the real estate business. This can make it harder for real estate agents to stand out and attract people who might want to buy or rent.

Continuous change

Digital marketing strategies constantly change, making it hard for real estate professionals to keep up with the newest trends and technologies. This can make it hard for them to stay ahead of the competition and keep their edge.

Chances of fraud

Some unregistered agents and property developers might try to scam people by giving them fake information and pictures. This can make potential buyers and renters confused and less likely to trust real estate professionals, which makes it harder for them to market their properties.

Fewer face-to-face interactions

Digital marketing strategies may make it harder for real estate agents, potential buyers, and renters to meet in person. This can make it more difficult for them to make friends and build trust.

Worries about privacy

Personal information is collected and used in digital marketing strategies, making some people worry about their privacy. Real estate professionals should make sure they follow the laws and rules about data protection so they can avoid getting in trouble with the law.

Read Also: How to Promote Your Short-Let Apartment in Nigeria

Examples of digital marketing strategies

As more people use the internet to look for homes, digital marketing strategies are becoming more important real estate business. Some of the most effective ways for real estate agents in Nigeria to use digital marketing are:

Creating a website and social media accounts

A professional website and social media accounts can help real estate agents display their properties and reach potential buyers and renters. They can put detailed information about their properties, like photos and videos, on their website. They can also use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with potential buyers and renters and advertise their properties.

Using online listing platforms

People in Nigeria often use online listing platforms like Nigeria property centre, Private Property, and Property Pro to look for homes. Real estate agents can list their properties on these sites, which makes it easy for potential buyers and renters to find them.

Using email marketing and digital advertising

Email marketing and digital advertising can be a cheap way to reach a specific audience. For example, real estate agents can advertise their properties on platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. They can also use email marketing campaigns to reach potential buyers and renters who have already shown interest in their properties.

Digital marketing strategies can be very useful for reaching a large, specific audience, especially if the audience is young and tech-savvy. Also, digital marketing methods are easier to measure than traditional ones, so tracking the return on investment and making changes to the strategy is more effortless.

But it is important to remember that only some in Nigeria have access to the internet, especially in the country. Also, many unregistered agents and property developers might try to scam people by giving them fake information and pictures. So, real estate professionals need to ensure their online presence is trustworthy and professional.

Challenges of real estate marketing in Nigeria 

Access to technology and the internet is limited in some places.

While the number of people in Nigeria who have access to the internet is growing, many people in rural areas and smaller towns still need to. This can make it hard for real estate agents to use digital marketing to reach people who might want to buy or rent in these areas.

Competition from unregistered agents and property developers

In Nigeria, many unregistered agents and property developers may try to scam buyers and renters by giving them fake information and pictures. This can make potential buyers and renters confused and less likely to trust the real estate agent, which makes it harder for real estate agents to market their properties.

Lack of access to mortgage loans

Only some people in Nigeria can afford to buy a house outright, and getting a mortgage can be challenging. This can make it hard for real estate agents to sell homes because many people who want to buy them may need more money.

Opportunities in the Nigeria real estate industry

Even with these problems above, the Nigerian real estate market has a lot of good things to offer. Here are some of them:

Growing population and demand for housing

As I said before, Nigeria’s population is expected to reach 400 million by 2050, which gives real estate professionals a big chance to build and sell new homes to meet this growing demand.

Initiatives by the government to make it easier for people to get mortgages

The government just started a new mortgage policy to make it easier for people to get mortgages. This can give real estate agents a chance to sell homes to a wider range of buyers who might not have been able to buy before.

There is room for growth in the Nigerian market

The Nigerian economy is having trouble right now, but it has room for growth in the future. Therefore, real estate professionals may have more chances to market and sell homes as the economy improves.

Need Digital Marketing for Your Real Estate Business?

Because the Nigerian real estate market has both challenges and opportunities, it is vital for real estate professionals to stay up-to-date and change their marketing strategies accordingly. A digital marketing expert in Nigeria can help real estate agents figure out how to use the internet and develop good ways to reach and connect with people who might want to buy or rent.

Are you a real estate business owner in Nigeria? Would you like to market your properties and reach more potential buyers and renters? Then, work with me to improve your reach and impact.

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