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YouTube Advertising in Nigeria: A Complete Guide

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YouTube is one of the most visited social media platforms in Nigeria. Hence, you need to place adverts on YouTube to improve your business. This article explores YouTube advertising in Nigeria. Learn about audience targeting options for YouTube ads, steps to set up YouTube ads, and more tips for success.

Overview of YouTube in Nigeria

You may already be familiar with the platform’s famous red play button and a massive library of videos. YouTube is more than just a place to share videos in Nigeria; it is a digital playground for millions.

So, why does YouTube matter so much to us? YouTube has the biggest share of the audience that watches videos in Nigeria. Over 30 million Nigerians watch YouTube, whether it’s to watch the newest music videos, learn something new, or just have fun. YouTube is a popular place to find fun, helpful, and even important things.

This is not just a short-term trend. In Nigeria, people want to watch online movies more than ever. YouTube is becoming increasingly popular as a convenient alternative to standard TV. This makes it a goldmine for businesses and marketers who want to reach a broad audience.

11 targeting options for YouTube advertising in Nigeria

YouTube gives advertisers many targeting choices to help them reach the right people. You can make your YouTube ads more relevant and successful by using these targeting options to fit the people you want to reach. Using multiple targeting options, you can reach a clear and interested group in Nigeria or any other market. Here are some #t ways that YouTube ads can be targeted:

  1. Targeting by demographics:
    • Age: Aim for people in a specific age group.
    • Gender: Say whether most of your viewers are male or female. Status as a
    • Parent and family Income: Target users based on whether they are a parent and how much money their family makes.
    • Education and Marital Status: You can narrow your audience even more by determining how much schooling they have and whether they are married or single.
  2. Targeting by location: Pick out the places in the world where you want your ads to appear. This can be a list of countries, areas, cities, or even a certain amount of space around a place.
  3. Targeting based on interests:
    • Affinity Audiences: Talk to people based on their long-term habits and interests.
    • In-Market Audiences: These people are constantly looking for or researching products or services similar to yours.
  4. Targeting based on behaviour: Target people based on what they’ve done online, like searches and website visits.
  5. Keyword targeting: Pick keywords directly related to your service or product. People who visit your site or look for something related to these keywords will see your ads.
  6. Placement targeting: Pick which YouTube channels, videos, apps, or websites you want your ads to appear on.
  7. Remarketing audiences:
    • Website Visitors: You should target people who have visited your website or watched your videos on YouTube.
    • Customer Lists: You can upload email lists or other information about your customers to target your ads.
  8. Custom audiences:
    • Upload a list of email addresses of current customers to get in touch with them through Customer Match.
    • Similarly Interested Audiences: Reach out to people like your current buyers.
  9. Life events: Life Events Targeting: Get in touch with people at important times in their lives, like when they are getting married, graduating, or moving.
  10. Ad schedule: Pick specific days and times for your ads to show up to ensure you reach your audience at the best times.
  11. Targeting by device: Choose whether your ads should appear on computers, phones, or tablets.

Read also: Types of Facebook Ads: How to Select the Best One for Your Brand

4 different types of YouTube ads

YouTube has different ad types so that advertisers can meet their needs and advertisers can reach a wider audience. There are pros and cons to each of these YouTube ad formats. Which one you choose will rely on your advertising goals, your target audience, and the content you want to promote. Using more than one style together can also make your YouTube advertising more effective. There are six different types of ads on YouTube:

1. Skippable in-stream video ads

This kind of YouTube video ad lets people “skip” to the next or previous video after five seconds. It can play before, during, or after a video on YouTube. You only pay if people watch the first 30 seconds or the whole ad or click on or connect with your ad in another way. In other words, you only pay if people don’t hit the “Skip” button. In-stream video ads that can be skipped must be at least 12 seconds long, but the first five seconds are the most important. You only have that long to get people’s attention and make them want to watch more.

These ads are great for getting more people to see your videos, especially if the beginning is interesting. To get the attention of your target audience right away, it helps to be clear in what you say in your ad. Because you only pay when someone hits, these ads suit brands wanting more visitors and sales. 

2. Non-skippable in-stream video ads

Most people skip your video ads, even if they might be interesting. In-stream video ads that can’t be skipped solve this problem by letting you show ads before or during the roll that people can’t skip. You pay a cost per 1,000 views (CPM) for each impression or person who sees the ad. This is because users can’t skip it. To get people to watch these ads, they must be 15 seconds long and catchy. 

Non-skippable in-stream video ads help get more people aware of your brand, especially if you have a strong artistic message that can keep people’s attention for 15 seconds. 

3. Non-video ads

YouTube has non-video ads that are usually shown next to related content, like in search results or during another video. However, the platform can sometimes get it wrong, and your video appears outside relevant content. Like discovery ads, you only pay for your ad when someone clicks it. YouTube has two kinds of ads that aren’t videos:

  • Display ads which people can see in the right sidebar while watching videos. They have a picture, some text, and a call to action (CTA).
  • Overlay ads you can see these on top of videos from YouTube accounts that make money.

Non-video ads are much cheaper to make and serve than video ads, which makes them perfect for brands on a budget that still want to get the most out of YouTube video ads. 

4. In-feed video ads

These ads are different from the ones that play during videos on YouTube. They don’t play at the beginning or middle of other videos; instead, they appear next to natural YouTube search results, with three lines of text and an image. People who click on the ad will be taken to your video page or YouTube account. Your ad only costs you money if someone clicks on it. It’s best to use these ads to share relevant, high-quality videos on niche topics and compete with other ads that show similar material.

How much does YouTube ad cost in Nigeria?

YouTube advertising in Nigeria costs between ₦80 and ₦240 per click. I usually recommend that my clients spend around ₦8,000 ($10) daily. Therefore, YouTube ads for Nigerian businesses cost between ₦250,000 and over ₦1,200,000 monthly.

There are a lot of different things that can determine how much YouTube ads cost in Nigeria. The cost depends on the type of ad you choose, the group you want to reach, how long your campaign lasts, and how much competition there is for ad space.

YouTube has many types of ads, including those mentioned above. For example, non-skippable in-stream ads work on a cost-per-view (CPV) system, which means you only pay when someone sees and interacts with your ad for a certain amount of time. Most of the time, Cost per mille (CPM) (cost per thousand views) is used to set the price of non-skippable in-stream ads.

Based on our discussion, the cost per mille (CPV) for YouTube ads in Nigeria can be as low as ₦8,000 for 1000 impressions. Setting a budget that fits your advertising goals is essential, and you should keep an eye on and regularly make changes to your plan to ensure it’s cost-effective.

Steps to place an advert on YouTube

You must take several steps to set up and handle your YouTube advertising campaigns. To get you started, here’s a short guide:

  1. Create a Google account: You will need a Google account to use YouTube’s advertising tool. You can sign in with a Google account if you already have one.
  2. Create a YouTube account: You need a YouTube page linked to your Google account to run ads on YouTube. Create a channel if you don’t already have one.
  3. Connect YouTube and Google Ads: You can connect your YouTube account to Google Ads by visiting the site. With this integration, you can run your video ad efficiently.
  4. Create a Campaign: To create a new campaign in Google Ads, click “Campaigns” and then the “+” button. Pick “Video” as the type of your plan.
  5. Choose a campaign goal: Select your campaign’s goal, such as getting people to know about your business, thinking about it, or buying something. This helps YouTube make your ad work best for your goals.
  6. Configure settings for your campaign: You can choose your budget, where your ads will appear, and other ways to target people, such as demographics, hobbies, and keywords.
  7. Create an ad group: Create ad groups in your campaign based on the factors you want to use for targeting. This helps you keep track of and organize the different types of ads.
  8. Create your video ad: Put the video you want in your ad on the site. YouTube lets you show different ads and customize the text of your ad by following the rules for each format.
  9. Set your budget and bids: Set your budget and decide how you will bid (CPV for TrueView ads or CPM for bumper ads). You can pick the price you want to pay for each view or impact.
  10. Review and launch your campaign: Ensure your settings, ad content, and budget are all correct. When you’re ready, click “Launch Campaign” to make your ads live.

Challenges with YouTube advertising in Nigeria

Promoting on YouTube can indeed be very profitable, but it can also be challenging. Advertisers can make their YouTube ads more effective by planning how to deal with these problems. Here are some problems that ads on YouTube often run into:

  • Ad Skipping: People can skip TrueView ads after the first five seconds if they want to. It might be hard to get and keep their attention because of this. From the start, make content that is interesting and compelling. Put important words at the beginning to get people to watch past the first few seconds.
  • Ad blocking: Ad blockers can stop some ads from showing up for people in your target group. Try to make ads that are interesting and don’t get in the way. Think about other ads that might not be harmed as much by ad blockers.
  • Budget considerations: Managing and optimizing your budget to achieve the desired results can be tricky. Set clear campaign goals, keep an eye on how things are going, and change your budget based on how well different ad formats and targeting choices work.
  • Video production costs: High-quality videos can be pricey, especially for small companies. Focus on the most critical messages, spend money on content that looks good, and look into production choices that won’t break the bank.
  • Ad fatigue: People who see the same ad too often can get ad fatigue, which makes the ad less effective. Change the creatives of your ads, try out different ad formats, and limit the number of times a user sees your ad by using frequency capping.

Read also: How Much Do Advertising Agencies Charge in Nigeria?

8 tips for creating and running successful YouTube ads 

Creating and managing great YouTube ads requires careful planning, exciting content, and good campaign management. Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your Nigerian YouTube ads:

  1. Know your Audience: Know who you’re trying to reach in Nigeria. Think about things like hobbies, demographics, and cultural differences. Ensure your ads are relevant to their likes and dislikes and how they act.
  2. Optimize for mobile: Many people in Nigeria use their phones to view YouTube. Make sure your ads work well on mobile devices with clear images and short text that read well on smaller screens.
  3. Use a clear call to action (CTA): Make sure your ads have a clear and appealing call to action. Show people the next thing you want them to do: visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, or buy something.
  4. Test different types of ads: Try out different ad styles to find the ones your audience responds to the most. Try out TrueView, border ads, and other ads to see which ones help you reach your goals the most.
  5. Improve your targeting: Make changes to your targeting choices based on performance data. Make changes to hobbies, demographics, and other settings to make sure your ads in Nigeria reach the right people.
  6. Ensure brand consistency: Ensure your ads and YouTube channels all have the same name. This includes the look, the tone, and the message. Being consistent helps people remember and trust your brand.
  7. Use remarketing: Remarketing lets you get people who have watched your videos or been to your website to connect with them again. This can help your message stick and get more people to convert.


Video ads have a lot of power online, and YouTube advertising in Nigeria is the best option for that. YouTube ads can help you connect with, engage, and leave a lasting impact on a wide range of people in Nigeria.

Contact me, and we’ll talk more about how to make a YouTube ad campaign that speaks directly to your audience. I’m here to help you figure out how to advertise on YouTube, whether you want to build brand awareness, get more sales, or connect with your audience on a more personal level.

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