What Are the Features of a Great Website Homepage?

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When you visit a website, the homepage is often the first page that loads. This page is the entry point to the rest of the site and is often the first thing people see when they visit your business or organization’s website. That’s why it is vital to ensure your website has the Features of a Great Website Homepage. This help to keep people interested, get your message across, and get them to look around more.

In this post, we’ll talk about the most important things to have on the homepage of your website. Even if you need to learn more about website design or marketing, knowing these things will help you create a homepage that works and keeps people interested.

Web designer in Nigeria

Why the Home Page of a Website Is Important

One of the most critical parts of your website is the home page. The homepage of your site is often the first thing people see when they go to your site. A well-designed and attractive homepage can give people a good first impression and make them want to stay and look around more. Your website’s header should make it easy for people to find their way around. A well-organized homepage can make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for and encourage them to look at more pages on your site. Also, your website’s header is a great place to show off your brand and what your company is like. 

Overall, a website’s homepage is a key way to engage users, show off your brand, and get people to purchase. By putting navigation, branding, and mobile functionality at the top of your list of priorities, you can make a homepage that gives users a great experience and helps you reach your business goals.

Characteristics of a Great Homepage

Your homepage is an integral part of your business and is often the first thing people see when they visit your site. Good web design has many vital features, like white space, font choice, colour schemes, and style, but a website’s content, not its design, keeps people coming back. In just a few seconds, your homepage should describe your product or service and make people want to look around your site more. Here are some properties that make your homepage excellent.

1. Clarity

Clarity is an important thing to consider when creating your website’s homepage. You want people to know what your business or organization is about and what services or goods you offer. When your message is clear and to the point, people are likelier to stay on your site and look around.

One way to ensure things are clear is to make your site easy. You want people to find what they want quickly and easily when you visit your site. This can be done by using a style that is easy to understand and points people to the most essential information. Don’t put too much information on your website because that can make it hard for people to find what they’re looking for.

Minimalism is another way to make sure your design is clear. This means using a clean, simple style with much white space. Minimalism not only makes your homepage look more professional, but it also helps users focus on the most important information and makes it easier to get around.

Lastly, if you want to get your message across, you need clear and to-the-point titles. Your headlines should be simple and straight to the point and accurately describe what comes next. Use terms or words that are easy to understand, as this can confuse people and make them lose interest.

2. Branding

When creating the homepage of your website, branding is an important thing to consider. Your brand is your business’s or organization’s unique personality, making you stand out from your competitors. Building a strong brand can help you gain the trust and respect of your customers and make your business stand out.

Ensuring your brand name stays the same is one way to build a strong brand on your homepage. This means that your website and marketing assets should have the same logo, font, and colour scheme. Consistent brand identity makes it easier for people to remember and recognize your business, which can lead to more involvement and sales.

Your unique value offering is an integral part of branding as well. Your unique value proposition (UVP) sets your business apart from others in your industry and should be front and centre on your homepage. For example, this could be a sentence about what differentiates you from the competition, like “We have the best products at the lowest prices” or “Our excellent customer service makes us stand out.”

When putting your name on the homepage of your website, you should also think about who you want to reach. You want your brand to connect with your ideal customers, so consider what values and traits they care about and use them in your message and design.

3. Clear Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is an integral part of the homepage of your website. A call to action (CTA) is a message or button that tells users to do something, like sign up for a newsletter, buy something, or set up a consultation. If your website doesn’t have a CTA, people may leave without doing anything.

To make a good CTA, it needs to be clear and make people want to act on it. Your call to action (CTA) should stand out on your site and be easy to find and understand. Use words that tell people what to do, like “Start your free trial” or “Download our guide now,” to get them to act.

Another vital part of making a good CTA is making sure it makes sense for your viewers. Think about what your best customers will likely do, and then make your CTA fit their wants. For example, if you have an e-commerce site, your CTA might be “Shop now” or “Browse our products.”

It is also essential to make your CTA sound like it needs to be done immediately. This can be done by using phrases like “Limited time offer” or “While supplies last” that make it sound like there aren’t many. Again, this can push people to act quickly before it is too late.

Last, try out different forms of your call to action (CTA) to see which works best. Try different words, colours, and places to see what gets the most attention and leads to the most sales. By making changes to your CTA over time, you can make it as effective as possible.

4. Visual Appeal

When creating the homepage of your website, it is vital to think about how it looks. How your website looks can significantly affect how people think of your business or group. A site that looks good can get people’s attention and make them want to look around more.

To make a homepage that looks good, think about things like colour, images, and style. Your website’s colour plan should be consistent and make sense, with colours that go together. Use colours in a planned way to bring attention to important things, like your brand or a call to action.

Your website looks better if you choose high-quality pictures with something to do with your brand. Refrain from using generic stock pictures on your website; they can make them look bland and forgettable. Instead, use images that show off your goods, services, or brand.

For aesthetic appeal, the layout is another vital thing to think about. Your website will look more professional and be easier to use if the style is clean and not too crowded. Use white space wisely to split things and draw attention to what’s essential. A consistent style can also make it easier for people to find what they want on your site.

8 Key Elements Your Homepage Must Include

The Homepage is your business’s online front door, bringing in most visitors. Still, many companies have trouble optimizing it well, despite how popular it is. So, your site needs to do a lot of different things. Instead of treating it like a landing page built around a single action, it should be made to serve different groups of people from different places. And for it to work well, it needs to be built with a goal in mind. In other words, you’ll need to add things that bring people to your site, teach them something, and encourage them to buy something. Here are 8 things every site must have to improve how well it works.

1. Logo

Location of a properly placed logo on a website homepage

Your website’s logo should be at the top of the page. It is, after all, the core of your business’s brand and personality. The logo is a physical symbol that shows what your goods or services are all about. It is a vital part of your brand that helps people recognize and connect with it. The name on a website is often also a link to the homepage, so it should be in an easy-to-see place in the header.

2. Navigation Bar

A well-placed Navigation bar on the homepage

Navigation is another essential part of your website’s header that should be clear and easy to use. If your website has a lot of information, a search box might be a good thing to add here. The navigation menu should be easy to find and have something that new visitors can understand. The navigation area is like a road map. It needs to give visitors an overview of the site’s material and help them find the information they need quickly. Bounce rates can also be lowered by making instructions clear and detailed.

3. Headline

What an homepage headline looks like

Visitors to your website should be able to understand what you have to offer in just a few seconds. A headline with a subheadline or a piece of text should explain what your business does or the services you offer. This is usually two to three lines of a strong, memorable, and short text that speaks to the needs of your audience.

4. Call to Action

Image showing a call to action button on the homepage

The goal of the top of your website is to get people interested and make them want to look at more pages. A call to action (CTA) is one way to get people to look at the other pages, start the sales cycle, or at least get in touch with them directly. CTA areas or buttons can be tied to contact forms, subscription sign-up forms, or other pages on your website that give more information. The more interesting and easy it is for a visitor to hit this CTA, the more likely it is that they will look around your website.

5. Social Proof

Image showing social proof (testimonials of past customers) on the homepage

Giving testimonials or reviews from customers or clients is another strong way to build trust and show that you are an expert. Social proof shows new people that you know what you’re doing and gives them important information about your product or service. A great way to make an excellent first impression is to tell a success story.

6. Pictures

Use of excellent pictures on website homepage

People like to look at things. A picture of someone using your product or getting involved with your service is better than a picture of your product. Our brains are built in a way that makes us look at people’s faces and feel what they feel. Photos give a website credibility and honesty.

7. Text Content

Your website’s language is important. It is best to explain what you do and why it is important to the reader. Keep your writing simple and easy to read, and don’t use business jargon. Think about who you’re writing for. To keep people interested, you must connect with the user, use a voice consistent with your brand, and show them how they will benefit from you.

8. Footer

Image showing website footer on the homepage

A footer with information could be just as important as the menu at the top. When a user gets to the end of your homepage, this area should have three things: a way to contact you, links to other pages on your site, and links to your social media pages. Giving the person your contact information makes them more likely to get in touch with you. Links can be an excellent way to show a mini-map of the site or get people to look at other pages. Linking to your social media sites is a great way to get people to interact with your business in another way. It also gives you more social proof and another way to meet and talk to people.


As a web designer in Nigeria, I know how important it is to have a well-designed homepage for a website. By putting clarity, branding, a call to action, and visual appeal at the top of your list, you can make a site that keeps people interested, shows off your brand, and gets people to buy.

If you want to improve your website’s homepage, consider hiring a professional web designer. As a web designer in Nigeria, I have the skills and knowledge to make a custom homepage that fits your needs and goals.

Whether you want to start a new website or update an old one, I can help. Contact me today to find out more about my web design services and how I can help you make a homepage that stands out and gets results. Let’s work together to create a website for your business that will help it do well online!